Friday, May 3, 2013


This is my first app, published on the Android Play Store.

It's a simple (and FREE) utility to real EML and MSg files, the format you'd get when receiving an email as an attachment  to another email or when saving emails for archiving.

Just click on an EML attachment in GMail app or in a file browser and select "EML Reader FREE" to read it in the app.

Inline images are displayed in the HTML view and also added as attachments, All attachments can be viewed, saved and shared with other apps.

Email addresses can be added to contacts.

Feel free to comment, share with your friends, point out issues or ask for new features !


  1. I see great comments about this app on the Android app store. The reviews for the one similar app on the Chrome app store are abysmal. Do you have plans to release a Chrome extension with similar features?

  2. Thanks for posting these instructions!
    Many many thanks for this tip!!!
    Adobe Support

  3. Non riesco a imporre allo smartfone di applicare questa app per leggere i files EML che arrivano con posta certificats
